About Us

Hi, I'm Ethan, owner of Strategist's Den Games. I started my journey in solo wargaming just a few years ago after decades as an avid PC strategy gamer. I found solo wargames to be a relaxing, screen-free way to enjoy challenging and strategic gaming. 

Strategist's Den Games was started to provide a home for wargamers who enjoy solo board wargames. As a gamer myself, I saw it was hard to find places to buy games (especially in a niche such as ours) with a simple, easy website. Additionally, I want to make it easier for gamers to discover new games specifically designed for solo play and quickly find information that helps them see if a game is right for them. 

Some games that have found their way to my table recently:

Storm Above the Reich
2 Minutes to Midnight
Warfighter WWII


As always, feel free to reach out to info@strategistsden.com if you have any questions or products you'd like to see on the site. I enjoy the relaxed yet challenging atmosphere of one-player wargames, and I hope through this store to be able to help more people enjoy the hobby.


Our Partners:

We sponsor The Players' Aid, a great website and YouTube channel for wargaming. 

We carry a selection of print and play (PnP) games from Berserker Games, a leading publisher of PnP wargames.